Study in Spain, Studying in Spain – Two portals with exhaustive information about all one needs to know for studying in Spain.
Schengen Visa Information – Website with detailed information on how to obtain your visa for any Schengen country.
Euraxess Spain – A user-friendly website with a wealth of information on funding opportunities in Spain, Europe and beyond; jobs and calls for applications. For foreign researchers who wish to come to Spain and for Spanish researchers who wish to go abroad.
Euraxess Services – Euraxess Services centres provide information and support on legal issues,visa applications for researchers, social security, health and taxes, everyday as well as family support.
La Caixa grants: Scholarships program for Postgraduate studies in Spain, Europe, North America and Asia-Pacific.
EUROAXESS networking portal with funding information for researchers from Europe and Brazil.
Aporta EU portal with information on national research and innovation programmes in Brazil, including finding partners for joint projects.
Science without borders funding programme for international exchange and mobility, administered by CNPq, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development.
CAPES runs joint Spain-Brazil mobility programmes for doctoral and postoctoral researchers.
EUROAXESS in China – information on funding and collaboration opportunities between Europe and China.
AcessRU EU portal with information on national research and innovation programmes in Russia, including finding partners for joint projects.
Office of cultural attaché of Spain in Russia (link in Spanish) provides useful information on education systems in both countires, funding opportunities, recognition of titles, etc.
Russian Foundation for Basic Research is a state agency that provides funding for fundamental science on a competitive basis. Funding, usually for Russian applicants only, is provided for collaborative research projects, conference and workshop attendance outside Russia. Funding is made available on the basis of match-funding or co-funding
Russian Research Foundation for Humanities (link available only in Russian) is a state agency that provides funding for research in the humanities. Funding, usually for Russian applicants only, is provided for collaborative research projects, organisation and attendance of conferences and workshops, publication of research, field work, restoration. Funding is made available on the basis of match-funding or co-funding.
CDTI, Centre for Industrial Technological Development in Spain, has a on-going call for applications for Spanish-South African technology cooperation.
TUBITAK, Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council, runs a number of international mobility schemes that target both local and foreign researchers. Programmes open for researchers from Spain are (applications should be made by the hosting Turkish institution or scientist):
Research Fellowships for Foreign Citizens: Travel and research grants in the fields of Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technological Sciences, Medical Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities are awarded to highly qualified PhD students and young post-doctoral researchers to perform part of their research in Turkey. Maximum living allowance for this fellowship is 2.250 TL per month or approx. 1.000 Euros per month.
PhD Fellowships for Foreign Citizens: Travel and research grants in the fields of Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technological Sciences, Medical Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities are awarded to highly qualified students who are intending to complete their PhD studies in Turkey.
Visiting Scientists Fellowship Programme: scientists working at universities or research centers abroad are supported to enable them to visit Turkey through seminars, conferences, lectures, research, and technological innovation.
Global Researcher Programme (EVRENA) where researchers (Turkish and foreign) who reside outside Turkey can participate in national research projects.
COFUND Brain Co-Circulation Scheme, partially supported by the EC-FP7 Marie Curie Actions-People-COFUND and coordinated by BIDEB offers to 100 Turkish and foreign experienced researchers research and employment opportunities in Turkish industry and academia for periods of 20-24 months.
Programmes open to Turkish researchers include:
International Research Fellowship Programme supporting PhD students who are registered in domestic doctoral programmes in basic and applied science to do research abroad.
International Postdoctoral Research Scholarship Programme where scientists who do research in Natural Sciences, Medical Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Engineering and Technology abroad are supported.
More information on these schemes is available here (look under Scholarships).