The Bachelor’s Degree in Science, Technology and Humanities aims to train professionals capable of understanding and analyzing science and technology as social and historical phenomena, incorporating the analysis and critical perspective provided by the human sciences.

This transdisciplinary bachelor’s degree, based on the experience of university systems from other countries, is radically new in the Spanish university system. By applying human sciences to understand technoscientific knowledge, these studies are designed to provide an advanced capacity of analysis of the challenges affecting the contemporary world.

This highly interdisciplinary training gives access to a wide European postgraduate offer and opens up opportunities for a professional career in areas such as management of scientific heritage, research and teaching in history and philosophy of science, and social studies of science and technology, the development of technoscientific innovation policies or the analysis in national and international scientific-technical organizations and projects.

The degree, with a single group of 45 students, lasts for four years and is taught between Madrid and Barcelona. The first and third courses are offered at the UAB; the second between the UAM and the UC3M and, in the fourth, each student takes the optional subjects and the final degree project at the university that granted admission.

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