Alexandra Cheveleva, a PhD student in Literary Translation from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, spent 3 months at Moscow Lomonosov University in 2017.
Her mobility was very productive. Alexandra did research for her thesis, and got most of it done. She also taught Russian Bachelor students, gave a seminar to Master students, took part in a conference and began the translation of Profesor Yulia Obolenskaya’s book, who supervised her thesis during the mobility. They have since written a journal article together.
Has the mobility been of help professionally? “Absolutely, most of all it gave me the chance to finish the thesis. It was also my first teaching experience, I made a lot of professional contacts, I started several projects like the translation of the book already mentioned.”
What was the biggest achievement and the hardest moment? “The first class I gave. It was the most important achievement and the most difficult moment of the whole experience at the same time.”
Alexandra adds: “I think it is a really useful opportunity for future researchers, especially in the predoc period when it is important to get into the academic environment not only nationally, but internationally.”
Translation. The original story is in Spanish.