
The A-4U promotes a Young European Research Universities Network

The meeting, held on October 3 at the Madrid-Puerta de Toledo UC3M Campus, was attended by presidents from 15 universities (including UC3M) which hold a spot in the “QS Top 50 Under 50” ranking and that all share an outstanding position in regards to research results. Specifically, in attendance were representatives from Universiteit Antwerpen (University of Amberes), Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Brunel University, UC3M, Dublin City University, University of Essex, Itä-Suomen Yliopisto, Universität Konstanz, Linköpings Universiteit, Loughborough University, Universiteit Maastricht, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Syddansk Universiteit and Universität Ulm.

During the session, the participants agreed to the creation of a European university young researcher network that enables the capabilities and results of each of its members to be strengthened. For this purpose, a committee of five universities has been created (Amberes, UC3M, Dublin City, Maastricht and Loughborough) to define network norms. At the start of the coming year, a second meeting will take place in Brussels, co-organized by the Universities of Maastrich and Amberes, to advance further in this project and which other universities not able to participate in Madrid could foreseeably join.

The “QS Top 50 Under 50” ranking, which is based on data from QS World University Ranking, takes as a reference only universities which have been in existence for less than 50 years. Of the five panish universities in the latest edition, four of them also make up the Alliance 4 Universities (A4U).

La educación universitaria de la India y España a debate en la A-4U

Dentro del marco del “III programa Líderes Indios” organizado desde la Fundación Consejo España-India (FCE-India), una delegación de 7 profesionales del ámbito de la educación en la India participarán en la mesa redonda “Closing the gap in University Education between India and Spain” que se celebrará el próximo miércoles 28 en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.

El acto, organizado desde la A-4U, contará con la participación del Vicerrector de Relaciones Internacionales y Representante de la A-4U, Prof. Alvaro Escribano; el Secretario General de FCE-India, Alonso Dezcallar; el Subdirector General de Universidades e Investigación de la Comunidad de Madrid, Miguel Herrero; el Agregado cultural de la Embajada de la India, Maitrey Kulkarni; así como con autoridades académicas de la UAM y UC3M.

La delegación inda estará compuesta por:

·Sr. Pawan Agarwal. Consejero de Educación Superior y Cultura. Planning Commission –Gobierno de India

·Sra. Ayesha Banerjee. Editora de Educación. Hindustan Times

·Sr. Anustup Nayak. Vicepresidente. XSEED Education

·Sr. Ajay Pandey. Decano (Programas). Indian Institute of Management – Ahmedabad

·Sr. R K Shevgaonkar. Director. Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) – Delhi

·Sra. Vidya Yeravdekar. Directora Principal. Symbiosis Society

·Sr. Rajiv Yeravdekar. Acompañante con participación autorizada. Decano de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud y Ciencias Biomédicas. Symbiosis International University

La cita tendrá lugar a las 09:00 de la mañana en el Campus de Getafe de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.

Más información sobre el “III programa Líderes Indios” en la web:

Indian professionals discuss the future of education

Under the third edition of the “Indian Leaders Program” and in collaboration with the Alliance 4 Universities, a delegation of leading professionals of the Education sector will visit UPF on Thursday, May 29th to participate in the roundtable discussion “The Future of Education: MOOCs, Internet Platforms and Online Communities” and “Teacher Education”.

The main activity of the program, organized with UAM, will consist of a roundtable discussion held at the TV studio of the Poblenou Communication Campus. Starting at 9:30 am the event will be broadcasted live via streaming through the website:

Among the participants there will be:

·Josep Ferrer, Vice-Chancellor of International Relations at UPF.

·Montserrat Alegre, Institutional Relations Officer at UAB.

·Daniel Cassany. Professor of the Translation and Linguistics Department at UPF.

·Daniel Franco. Director of the School of Engineering at UAB.

·Juan Antonio Martínez. Director of the Information System Planning Unit at UAB, President´s Commission for Society and Information.

·Carlos Scolari. Professor of the Communication Department (UPF).

·Daniel Serra. Director of the Barcelona School of Management (UPF).

·Xavier Serra. Director of the Music Technology Group, MTG (UPF).

·Pawan Agarwal. Adviser, Higher Education, Indian Government Planning Commission

·Ayesha Banerjee. Editor-Education. Hindustan Times

·Anustup Nayak. Vice President. XSEED Education

·Ajay Pandey. Dean (Programs). Indian Institute of Management – Ahmedabad

·R K Shevgaonkar. Director. Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) – Delhi

·Vidya Yeravdekar. Principal Director. Symbiosis Society

·Rajiv Yeravdekar. Companion with allowed participation. Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences &Bio Medical Sciences. Symbiosis International University.

Moderador: Manel Jiménez. Profesor del Departamento de Comunicación (UPF).

Diálogos Barcelona-Madrid: “Las TIC en los campus: ¿Evolución o Revolución?”

El próximo lunes 28 de abril la Alianza 4 Universidades celebrará una nueva mesa redonda bajo el título “Las TIC en los campus: ¿Evolución o Revolución?”. Durante este encuentro, las cuatro universidades abordarán la cada vez más frecuente presencia de las TIC en el ámbito educativo, sus usos y desafíos de futuro.

El evento contará con la participación de:

·Carlos Delgado Kloos, Catedrático de Ingeniería Telemática de la UC3M

·Daniel Cassany Comas, Profesor titutal de Traducción y Ciencias del lenguage de la UPF

·Rafael Garesse Alarcón, Catedrático de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular de la UAM

·Pere Marquès Graells, Profesor titular de Tecnología Educativa de la UAB

·Moderador: Carles Capdevilla, Director del diario Ara

La cita tendrá lugar en el Palau Macaya (Ps. de Sant Joan, 108. Barcelona) a partir de las 19:00. Entrada gratuita hasta completar aforo.

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Nuevo acuerdo de colaboración entre la A-4U e IIPAM-RANEPA

Con el fin de asentar las bases para desarrollar futuras líneas de colaboración en el ámbito educativo entre ambos países la Alianza ha suscrito recientemente un acuerdo de colaboración institucional con el Instituto Internacional de Administración Pública y Management de Moscú (IIPAM-RANEPA).

El convenio, firmado con motivo de la visita de la Universidad rusa a las universidades de la Alianza el pasado mes de marzo, permitirá desarrollar acuerdos específicos en áreas como intercambio de estudiantes, profesores e investigación.

La delegación rusa, representada por Valentina Komleva (directora del departamento de Estudios europeos) y Olga Pirozhenko (Representante oficial para España) se ha interesado especialmente por enviar estudiantes al Grado conjunto en Filosofía, Política y Economía; la oferta académica de Grado y Postgrado; los cursos de español; o por participar en la próxima cita de la Semana de Culturas Hispánicas, entre otras cuestiones.

Scholarships for students on Philosophy, Politics, and Economics degree

2013-2014 academic year saw the launch of A.4U new joint degree in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics, a 4-year cross-disciplinary study programme, which will be taught jointly by four universities of the Alliance: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Universitat Pompeu Fabra and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, which will take part in delivering the degree in the future.

Students will follow their courses in Madrid and Barcelona where the four universities are located, and will be encouraged to go on international exchange programmes, which will mean increased travel and subsistence costs. To help students face these costs, A-4U and Welfare projects of “La Caixa” Foundation have signed a cooperation agreement, according to which “la Caixa” Foundation will provide between 100 and 200 scholarships for a total of 600.000 Euros, which will be allocated on the basis of students’ academic results and equal opportunities principles.

This agreement was recently signed by Jaume Casals, UPF Rector, on behalf of A-4U, and Jaime Lanaspa, Executive Director of Welfare Projects of “la Caixa” Foundation. According to the agreement, the following funding will be made available in the next four years: 60.000 Euros (amounting to 10-20 scholarships) during 2013-2014 academic year; 120.000 Euros (20-40 scholarships) during 2014-2015; 180.000 Euros (30-60 scholarships) during 2015-2016, and 240.000 Euros (40-80 scholarships) in 2016-2017.

According to the agreement, A-4U will contribute all human, material and technical resources that are necessary for delivering the new programme and managing the scholarships scheme. UPF, which acts as the overall coordinator of the new degree, will be responsible for the financial and administrative management of the scholarships.

A pioneering programme for the Spanish university system

Philosophy, Politics, and Economics programme consists of 240 ECTS credits and includes basic training courses, core subject, case study seminars, specialization pathways in Economics, Political Science, Philosophy and Law, Humanities and Communications, internships, international exchange programmes and completion of a final project.

Courses will be taught in Catalan, Spanish or English, depending on the sibject, and the tuition fee during the first year, taught at UPF, is 1.656 Euros.

During the registration period in June, 5,65 applications were received for each of 20 places available on the programme, with the cut-off mark of 11,93, the second highest at UPF. In addition to 20 places at UPF, 10 more places were offered through UC3M (with a 12,018 cut-off mark, the highest at the university) and another 10 at UAM (with a 10,718 cut-off mark).

During their second year, students will study in Madrid (one semester at UC3M and other at UAM), and during the third year they will be encouraged to do on international exchange programmes. During their fourth year, students will be undertaking their final project in one of participating A-4U universities or at an international exchange destination. Students will also follow optional courses and specialization pathways (in Spain or abroad), and will have the opportunity to undertake internships.

41 students from all over Spain

The profile of the 41 students registered registered for the first year is as follows: 90,2% are less than 18 y.o.; 7,3% are 19-20 y.o., 2,4% are more than 30 y.o. 46,3% are men and 53,7% are women. 39% reside permanently in Barcelona province, 7% in the rest of Catalonia, 27% live in Madrid province and 27% come from the rest of Spain.

Spanish Cultures Week in Moscow

During 16-20 of September, A-4U held a Spanish Cultures Week, hosted by Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU) in Moscow.

As part of the Week, five academics from varios areas of Humanities and the director of tailor-made study programmes at UAB gave lectures on Spanish Contemporary History, Geography and Literature, as well as presentations of academic offer at A-4U universities to students and academics at RGGU.

The Week has been organised on the initiative of Igor Mednikov, Director of Iberian Studies Centre at RGGU who visited A-4U universities in 2012. The aim of the Week was to further develop existing contacts between RGGU and A-4U with a view to engage in cooperation in teaching and research, and to contribute to the Spanish-Russian dialogue in science, education and culture.

In the framework of the Week, A-4U representatives also participated in the Conference of Russian Hispanists’ Association, (link in Spanish) which took place on September 18-19 in Moscow and gave presentations of their research.

The Spanish Cultures Week received the support of Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade (ICEX).

Call for applications for 12 postdoctoral grants is now open

A-4U universities are internationally renowned for the quality and innovation in their research. As part of their efforts to consolidate research mobility, this year A-4U offers 12 postdoctoral grants in all areas of knowledge.

12 postdoctoral grants will be allocated in the following way:

– 8 grants are open to candidates from A-4U universities.

– 4 grants are open to candidates from any university in Spain or abroad, including those from A-4U universities.

Applications and accompanying documentation should be submitted from June 5 to June 17, 2013.

For more information, click here.

A-4U awarded European funding for a project on renewable energies in Africa

A-4U is to participate in a joint project with African universities to design content for postgraduate programmes that help assess renewable energy policies.

These postgraduate programmes will train professionals in the assessment of energy access policies in South Africa, Botswana and Namibia. An inter-disciplinary team from the four universities of A-4U will take part in the project, lead by experts form the Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology at UAB. Other project participants include: Bergen University (Norway), a UN-agency Food and Agriculture Organization (Italy), Stellenbosch University (South Africa), University of Botswana (Botswana), Polytechnic of Namibia (Namibia) and an international organization New Partnership for African Development (South Africa).

The three-year project has been awarded 500,000 Euros of EU funding in the framework of “Edulink II: cooperation programme in higher education”. It arose as a result of A-4U institutional visit to South Africa in 2012, and is the first European project driven by A-4U.

Project activities will start in September 2013 with the first workshops taking place in Stellenbosch in South Africa.

Institutional visit to Turkey

From February 25 5o March 1, A-4U delegation visited Turkey with the aim of encouraging bilateral collaboration between Turkish institutions and A-4U members in teaching, research, and technology transfer. The delegation included Vice-Rectors of International Relations and Strategic Projects, directors of Science and Technology Parks of A-4U universities, as well as the director of A-4U office in Brussels (OPERA), and A-4U coordinator of international relations.

The visit centred on Ankara and Istanbul, and included meetings at the following universities: Middle East Technical University, Bilkent University, TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Bosphorus University, Sabanci University, Koç University, Istanbul University, and Istanbul Technical University. Discussions focused on proposals of collaboration in student and staff exchange, development of joint programmes, internships for A-4U students in Turkish companies, as well as joint participation in research projects in the framework of EU programme Horizon 2020. In addition, A-4U promoted its English-taught undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, and Spanish language teaching for Turkish students.

The delegation also met with top representatives of YOK (Council of Higher Education), TUBITAK (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey), KOSGEB (Small and Medium Industry Development Organisation), permanent EU Delegation to Turkey, Instituto Cervantes, Spanish Embassy, Marmara Research Centre, and Science and Technology Parks of Bilkent University, Metutech, Istanbul Technopark and ARI Technopark.

During the visit, representatives of A-4U Science and Technology Parks had an opportunity to find out about activities of their Turkish counterparts, and advance in the design of collaborative actions to bring together industry and research and consolidate new technology-based businesses through soft landing actions for Spanish and Turkish companies interested in internationalisation.

Lluís Quintana, Vice-Rector for International Relations at UAB and spokesperson on behalf of A-4U, said: “With more than 50% of its population being less than 30 years old, Turkey is a young country, and boasts a large number of university students. During our visit to universities, R&D agencies, and science and technology parks, we had an opportunity to explore possibilities for collaboration in a range of areas, starting from student exchange and promotion of the Spanish language to joint participation in EU research projects under Horizon 2020, and exchange of good practice in technology transfer and support of technology-based entrepreneurs, thus encompassing the three missions of the university that coincide with those of A-4U”.

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