Network of young universities launched in Brussels
La red de jóvenes universidades europeas de investigaciónA network of young European research universities (YERUN) has been launched in Brussels to encourage joint initiatives in teaching and research and to promote mobility. The distinguishing feature of the network is that it consists of young European research universities – founded less than 50 years ago – which have been recognised by international rankings such as Times Higher Education, QS or Shangai.
In what was their second meeting (the first one was held in Madrid in October 2014), rectors of universities-members of the network signed an agreement committing to strengthen the role of young universities in shaping the research policy of the European Union. In addition to this strategic goal, the agreement sets out to promote collaborative research in areas of high social impact, to stimulate academic exchange programmmes for students, teaching and administrative staff, as well as to establish joint programmes at undergraduate, graduate and doctoral levels. During the meeting Prof. Peter van der Hijden, an independent expert in higher education and research policy, gave a keynote speech.
YERUN network consists of the following universities: Bremen, Konstanz and Ulm (Germany), Antwerpen (Belgium), Southern Denmark (Denmark), Autònoma de Barcelona, Autónoma de Madrid, Carlos III de Madrid and Pompeu Fabra (Spain), Eastern Finland (Finland), Paris Dauphine (France), Dublin City University (Ireland), University of Roma Tor Vergata (Italy), Maastricht (Netherlands), Nueva de Lisboa (Portugal), Brunel and Essex (United Kingdom), Linköping (Sweden).