Spanish Cultures Week in Moscow
During 16-20 of September, A-4U held a Spanish Cultures Week, hosted by Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU) in Moscow.
As part of the Week, five academics from varios areas of Humanities and the director of tailor-made study programmes at UAB gave lectures on Spanish Contemporary History, Geography and Literature, as well as presentations of academic offer at A-4U universities to students and academics at RGGU.
The Week has been organised on the initiative of Igor Mednikov, Director of Iberian Studies Centre at RGGU who visited A-4U universities in 2012. The aim of the Week was to further develop existing contacts between RGGU and A-4U with a view to engage in cooperation in teaching and research, and to contribute to the Spanish-Russian dialogue in science, education and culture.
In the framework of the Week, A-4U representatives also participated in the Conference of Russian Hispanists’ Association, (link in Spanish) which took place on September 18-19 in Moscow and gave presentations of their research.
The Spanish Cultures Week received the support of Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade (ICEX).